Regular CSS for FF, IE7, Opera, Safari:
#subnav li {background-color: green;}
#subnav li:first-child {background-color: red;}
CSS for IE 6 (using conditional comments):
<!–-[if IE 6]>
#subnav li {background-color: expression(this.previousSibling==null?'red':'green');}
Similar to online casino :last-child
Instead of this.previousSibling==null there should be this.nextSibling==null
Осталась мелочь — заставить работать :last-child ну хоть, блин, где-нибудь 🙁
В FF работает 🙂
В ИЕ6 с этим хаком работает :)))
В ИЕ7 с аналогичным экспрешном наверняка (проверять лень, но с чего бы не?)
Да всё тут понятно… (и спасибо, кстати)
Правда каждый раз когда IE6 тупит применять expression…
Это не скажется на скорости загрузки страницы..?
Зависит от глубины прохождения по DOMу.
Если речь о конкретном примере, то чего там тупить. Тем более что оно и проходит и отрабатывает один раз, и кэшируется.
А вот если сделать аналог более глобальный, то ой. Я вот как раз все собираюсь сделать пост о direct/nested children ( > которые)…
Отец, отец!…
спасибо, очень кстати!
Using IE conditional expressions + expressions seems like a powerful way of fixing up many problems. Is there a reason why this is in general ignored (other than its reliance on JavaScript)?
There are 2 different things: cond. comments and expressions
Cond. comments is really very powerful way to fix up many problems of IEs crazyness. I guess main reason why people don’t use it – lazyness + hope to resolve things with no such “trick”.
Expressions, well – I guess it requires special knowledge (javascript + DOM) ;))) well, very special… Plus understanding of accessibility, to have site working if JS will be turned off. People prefer to use ready-made JS scripts and libs than to write anything by hands.
A very nice little fix although I could only get nextSibling to work…
2Chaz: take a look to this post: How to implement :first-child and directly nested children for IE6
That’s a good example, but more than i needed. I played a bit more and I must have missed a semi-colon or something because it’s working for previousSibling now!
Ah perfect 😉
Frankly last-child is almost useless thing as it is being not supported by almost any browser ;))
At least for now.
But useful to set IE to his place…
You, sir, are an evil genius, and I SALUTE YOU! 😉
Great! It saved lot of my time.
How can I use this with background image? I tried this, it doesn’t work :
div#myDiv ul li:first-child
background: url(../1stchild.jpg) repeat-x;
div#myDiv ul li
background: url(../otherchild.jpg) repeat-x;
IE6 :
div#myDiv ul li
background-image:expression(this.previousSibling==null?’url(../1stchild.jpg) repeat-x’:’url(../otherchild.jpg) repeat-x’);
Actually the code contains the error:
background-image: expression(this.previousSibling==null?’url(../1stchild.jpg) repeat-x’:'url(../otherchild.jpg) repeat-x’);
If you define bg-image you shouldn’t add bg-repeat parameter there.
Try to fix this issue, ok?
Don’t hesitate to buzz me via my gtalk.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the quick answer. I just googled ‘css last child IE6’ to see if it would work without having to load up my ‘virtua pc’ and check..
Good and straight to the point, shame you let the spammer ‘Programming Tutorials’ actually comment with that name on here though, didn’t think it was a place where I could spam out my free links. *bookmarked*
This doesn’t work for me below is the code.
background:expression(this.nextSibling==null? none : url(../images/menu_separator.gif) no-repeat right top);
@abdul: I suppose you forgot quotes there. Plus check the paths to image. Don’t hesitate to contact me via IM and show your page or model.
спасибо большое, как раз кстати решение пришлось!)
а для ie8 last-child как заделать?
знаю что не поддерживает его, а как?
Аналогично, через экспрешн
а не получается
в ie_style.css строка
#subnav li { background-color: expression(this.nextSibling==null?’red’:’blue’);}
что не так?
так тож не получается…
[if IE 8]><![endif]
блин не могу код вставить и показать((((
Так лучше в мессенджере.
Надо DOM смотреть, так по куску не скажу ничего.
Have an image background problem like “arisbalis”
Checkout my beta website @
How do i get the last parallelepiped out from the footer
In IE obviously..
i need to display a separate background image for the fiest child of a list items following is my code i have tried different combinations but does not work
.topmenu li {background-image: expression(this.previousSibling==null?url(‘absolute/path/to/topmenu_divider.jpg’):url(‘absolute/path/to/topmenu_divider1.jpg’));}
please advice
There is lack of quotes, URL (as word) is not js variable. You should use additional quotes or (even better) move your current ones)
hi alex can you provide the exact syntax
for the 1st list item i want the background to be positioned to left and for the remaining list items at top right
following is my code but does not work
.topmenu li {
background: expression(true ? “url(‘ no-repeat top left’)”: “url(‘ no-repeat top right’)”);
.topmenu li {
background: expression(true ? ‘url(“ no-repeat top left”)’: ‘url(“ no-repeat top right”)’);
Try this one:
background: expression(true ? "url( no-repeat top left" : "url( no-repeat top right");
i have tried the following but the first-child is not working in ie6
.topmenu ul li{background: expression(true ? “url( no-repeat top left” : “url( no-repeat top right”);}
There is no UL / LI, maybe you could share URL to your current model?
You can find my contacts in contact page if you’d prefer to not public the URL.
Could you kindly post the code for :last-child in IE.
this.nextSibling==null is not working for the example you have given.
To be honest I’d suggest to avoid using :last-child, it would be much more reliable to add a class there (using back-end or javascript). As not many browsers support last-child at all actually.
i need to display a separate background image for the fiest child of a list items following is my code i have tried different combinations but does not work
.topmenu li {background-image: expression(this.previousSibling==null?url(‘absolute/path/to/topmenu_divider.jpg’):url(‘absolute/path/to/topmenu_divider1.jpg’));}
please advice
Steve, can I see your example at some URL? Try to catch me online using gTalk or Skype (username is mauzon)
#subnav li {background-color: gray; color:#fff; height:30px;}
#subnav li:first-child {background-color: blue; color:#fff; height:30px;}
#subnav li:last-child {background-color: red; color:#fff; height:30px;}
#subnav li {background-color: expression(this.previousSibling==null?’blue’:’gray’);}
#subnav li {background-color: expression(this.nextSibling==null?’red’:’gray’);}
this is my code am not able to use first child and last at a time it’s not working in ie 6.0
You should use expression logics within expression.
But I suggest you to use classes instead (at least for last-child)
when i try to use back ground image, it’s also not working in ie 6.0 this is my code
#subnav2 li { background-image:url(images/bg1.png); color:#fff; height:30px;}
#subnav2 li:first-child {background-image:url(images/bg2.png); color:#fff; height:30px;}
#subnav li {background-image: expression(this.previousSibling==null?’url(images/bg2.png)’:’url(images/bg1.png)’);}
when i try to use back ground image, it’s also not working in ie 6.0 this is my code
#subnav2 li { background-image:url(images/bg1.png); color:#fff; height:30px;}
#subnav2 li:first-child {background-image:url(images/bg2.png); color:#fff; height:30px;}
#subnav2 li {background-image: expression(this.previousSibling==null?’url(images/bg2.png)’:’url(images/bg1.png)’);}
div#test p:first-child {text-decoration: underline; color:red;}
div#test p:last-child {color: #0000ff;}
div#test p:{color:expression(this.previousSibling==null?’red’:’black’);}
div#test p:{color:expression(this.nextSibling==null?’#0000ff’:’black’);}
is not working
please advice me…
thanks & regards
Remove [:] symbol after P before {
what if i use the border for first child and last child..
.topNav li:first-child {
border-left: none;
position: relative;
.topNav li:last-child {
border-right: none;
it doesnt work in ie6
i also tried what u said but helpless.. how can i work out this..
Help me pls..
The best way is to forget about IE6
Next best way is to add class for last child or to use jquery to add classes when the DOM created
Worst way is to use :last-child pseudo class expression in CSS
Good luck
Another alternative way using jQuery:
$(“#nav li:last-child”).css(“border-bottom”,”1px solid #b5b5b5″)
how to hack ie7 border-bottom css? can you help me please?
Recaro baby – please contact me directly using IM.
Thank you
Great trick, i never new you could do this with IE6! Good Job!
Hi Alex, We need your assistance
I want to use the expression code.
Below is the CSS code for normal and first-child
#mini-ctlg-tabs li{
background: url(../images/tab-bg-active.gif) top right no-repeat;
border:0px solid #fff;
padding:0px 30px 0 15px;
#mini-ctlg-tabs li:first-child{
background: url(../images/tab-bg-first-child.gif) top right no-repeat;
border:0px solid #fcfcfc;
padding:0 30px 0 8px;
Can you please help me with your suggestion or a similar sample code.
Why all the fuss over IE6? Outside of China is a dead browser. See:
Hey Peter. Can you please re-check post’s date?
Thank you 😉