
On 8-3-2006, in Just another blog, by Alex

About 27links.com

Just a couple of words for now..

This is a blog, and it has it’s rules.

Rule Nr. 1: You do not talk about fight club We have 27 blog post a day. I believe it will be go daily – but not so far.

And there’s no second rule. We blog most popular social links, some of them go with pictures, some – in small boxes. You can’t comment so far – but we’ll fix it. A number of other features are also on their way – like social bookmarking for separate posts, tagging and other buzzatures.


The web developer toolbar is a menu and toolbar setup for Opera which brings together functions related to web development, validation services and links to standards and other documentation.

Very useful tool.

Get web developer toolbar and menu for Opera


The task is weird but it has some reason:
All external URLs should be opened in new windows with some JS confirm (I don’t speak german so have no idea what real confirm text is).

So the idea is simple and transparent: Add events to all links where hostname is not equal to current (native) one.

Solution was easy but wasn’t work to FF.

Some googling + small friends help and:

Continue reading »


Just a test to post using

On 4-4-2006, in Just another blog, by Alex

Zoundry is just one of blog clients that works that works to LiveJournal and WordPress.


Vertical centering using CSS

On 4-4-2006, in Coding, CSS, by Alex

Nice collection of vertical alignment tricks

There was some talk about CSS not allowing elements to be in vertical center of container of viewport. This document explains few methods to do vertical align. The real problem is that browser support is not best, especially bad is support of MS Internet Explorer, that is currently most used browser.